Hello Fellow PUGS,
Garrett from our PUG meetings asked if I would post this info for everyone.
If you haven't been to a Scott Kelby workshop I HIGHLY recommend it. One of the best things about his workshop (IMO) is the fact that you don't have to take notes! Scott always has his entire seminar/notes written out for you in a easy to navigate work book.
I myself and a highly visual person, so being able to see and then DO, is key for me.Thanks Garrett for the heads up on the workshop.
Looking forward to seeing everyone for the Night Shoot on the 14th! :D
by Scott Kelby

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Washington DC Convention CenterRoom: Ballroom A-B
801 Mount Vernon Place NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 249-3000
Photoshop CS3 Power Tour
Shock yourself and amaze your clients after you amplify the voltage of your work with these high-powered, hair-raising techniques for Photoshop CS3! This one-day seminar, created by #1 best-selling computer book author Scott Kelby, will charge up your creative batteries and turn you into a Photoshop dynamo. Boost your already impressive Photoshop skills with awe-generating effects used by today's industry pros.Class Schedule
Digital Photo Correction Secrets
10:00 to 11:00 A.M.
Enlightening examples of how leading professionals manage and prepare digital photos, and the step-by-step process for getting what you see on screen to reproduce in prints. Discover how today's experts color correct their images, when to shoot in Raw (and when you should not), the latest cutting-edge sharpening secrets, and how to get perfect flesh tones every time!
Photoshop "Photo-Finishing" Techniques
11:15 A.M. to 12:15 P.M.
Go light years beyond simple color correction to a totally new way to tone your images, adding spine-tingling vitality to every photo you edit. Learn the tricks you see in magazines and brochures to make images "pop," all without using Levels or Curves (you'll be amazed once you fi nd out how it's all done). These techniques will forever change the way you work with Photoshop.
12:15 to 1:15 P.M.
Yet Even More Down & Dirty Tricks
1:15 to 2:30 P.M.
Witness the quick and easy way to create the latest jawdropping Photoshop special effects-the same ones you see today on TV, in print, and on the Web. You'll learn how to "fake it" in Photoshop, how to recreate popular photographic effects and lighting tricks that save you time and money, plus loads of cool effects that look hard, but are easy once you know the secrets.
Photoshop Speed Clinic
2:45 to 3:45 P.M.
Get your workflow going like greased lightning with Photoshop's built-in automation tools. We'll show you actions that take your productivity through the roof; how to use Batching to speed everyday tasks; the secret to making the Bridge work in the background, and lots of other secrets that pros use to get twice the work done in half the time.
How to Show Your Work Like a Pro
4:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Deft presenters know that dazzling your clients is critical, so we'll teach you the latest layout techniques to really knock their socks off . You'll learn how to set your work apart from the crowd with digital framing techniques, how to add excitement and interest when showing your images, simple filter effects, plus a look at how pros create stunning layouts from within Photoshop.

I'll be there ready to geek-out! I'm looking for a photoshop buddy. Any takers?
I'll be there there ready to geek-out! I'm looking for a photoshop buddy. Any takers?
Hi Sarah:
Thanks for helping spread the word about my upcoming DC seminar. Hope to see you there! :)
All my best,
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