Monday, June 14, 2010

June PUG Meeting Details

Hey DC Puggers,
Just a reminder that our next PUG meeting is June 14th at 7pm!

I am excited about this months PUG meeting because not only are we going to share images from our PUG shoot out from last month, we are also bringing back the ever famous - Studio Spotlights!
This month we have the lovely Jessica Del Vecchio presenting her self and her photography business for our listening and viewing pleasure.

I am hoping that this meeting will be a time for us all to reconnect, talk shop and have a good Q&A with each other.
I will be making a list of your discussion topic ideas during Monday's meeting which will be used for future meetings. I have had some great response from the PUG survey (which if you haven't already taken, we'd love your feedback) of ideas for future meetings.
Some of which are:
Finding New Business
And much more.
Along with photography business ideas we will also be chatting a bit about things we can do outside our PUG meetings, such as, photo outings, museum trips, volunteering with our local communities etc. So come ready to share you thoughts!

Please mark June 14th - 7pm on your calendars.
We will be meeting at Jessica Del Vecchio's house in DC - 2123 California Street, NW, Apartment A5, Washington, DC 20008
See you then!